Children and adults with ADHD tend to have poor coordination. Many of us exhibit the “bull in a china shop” phenomenon. (Note for ADHDers: install kitchen counters with rounded edges – the square edges are very ouchy when you bump into them.)

In a study by Fliers, et al. (2008), 486 children with ADHD and 269 controls (non-ADHD) were assessed for difficulties with poor motor performance (roughly translated into English as “clumsy” or “awkward”.) About one-third of the ADHD children were found to have poor coordination, and coordination problems were more closely associated with the inattentive symptoms of ADHD rather than the hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. Both boys and girls with ADHD had difficulties with coordination, while in the control group, girls had less difficulty than boys.

Fliers, E., et al. (2008). Motor coordination problems in children and adolescents with ADHD rated by parents and teachers: effects of age and gender. Journal of Neural Transmission, 115(2), 211-220.

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