
Why Your Dog Thinks You Are The Best Thing Ever

By |2016-11-20T07:53:40-05:00October 12th, 2016|Categories: Dogs, Genetics|Tags: , , , , |

Hint: It's genetic.  Be the person your dog thinks you are - how true this seems to be.  Dogs are always happy when you walk in the door.  They follow you from room to room.  (I have a pack of three that follow me.)  They love to sit next to you and snuggle. "I'm awesome," you think. [...]

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Border collie comprehends over 1,000 object names

By |2016-10-05T06:45:50-04:00January 8th, 2011|Categories: Dogs, Research|Tags: , , , , , , |

ScienceDaily (2011-01-06) -- Researchers at Wofford College discovered that a border collie comprehends the names of over 1,000 objects, differentiating between names of objects and orders to fetch them. This research deepens the findings of researchers in Germany, who had discovered a dog that knew the names of a couple of hundred objects. Important questions were [...]

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The Same Thing Happens Every Morning

By |2016-11-20T07:53:47-05:00December 11th, 2010|Categories: Dogs|Tags: , , , , |

First, let me say that I respect my dog’s right to free speech. Barking is a normal part of life. To an extent. At 6am, my extent of respecting his right to free speech diminishes. And yes, I know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. [...]

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Children with ADHD handling a dog: Exciting or calming?

By |2016-10-05T06:46:12-04:00December 8th, 2009|Categories: ADHD, Animals, Dogs, Research, School|Tags: , , , , , , |

Summary of the study: There was a significant decrease in heart rate and a significant increase in blood pressure five minutes after a dog was held by children with ADHD. However, teacher ratings of mood and behavior were not significant. The authors concluded that pet therapy for children with ADHD may actually increase excitement rather than [...]

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Save critters from drowning in your pool

By |2016-10-05T06:46:14-04:00June 2nd, 2008|Categories: Animals, Dogs, Organizing|Tags: , , , |

Frogs love my pool. It's like a giant spa for them. Until the chlorine kills them. Then the party's pretty much over. I was trying to find a way for the froggies to escape the pool, and I found the Skamper Ramp. I have the standard Skamper Ramp, plus the dog extension (it holds up to [...]

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Robot animals used in behavior research

By |2016-10-05T06:46:14-04:00May 3rd, 2008|Categories: Animals, Dogs, Research|Tags: , , |

Here's an article from my favorite homepage, about a research team that is using robotic animals to get a closer view of animal behavior: The squirrel in the photo looks remarkably like Lucy's stuffed squirrels (dubbed "Squirrely Squirrel" at my house.) Here is Lucy's preferred squirrel of choice:  Her favorite activity is to rip [...]

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Growing up with a dog reduces the risk of asthma and allergies

By |2016-10-05T06:46:14-04:00April 28th, 2008|Categories: Asthma, Dogs|Tags: , , , |

In a six-year study of 9,000 children, it was discovered that growing up with a dog leads to a low level of sensitization to allergens.  This was also true of children who did not have a dog in the home, but had frequent contact with dogs.  The children were not only less sensitive to animal dander, [...]

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Prozac for pups

By |2016-10-05T06:46:15-04:00January 17th, 2008|Categories: Depression/Anxiety, Dogs, Medication|

Puppy Prozac is now's called Reconcile, and is chewable. (No word on whether humans can take it if they also prefer a chewable Prozac that tastes like beef.) Reconcile is primarily for separation anxiety. There's also a link that talks about positive behavior reinforcement. One suggestion that is very useful is to not make a [...]

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