
Medical journal retracts study linking autism and vaccines

By |2016-10-05T06:46:12-04:00February 2nd, 2010|Categories: Autism, Research|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Lancet, a British medical journal, has retracted a 1998 study that linked vaccines to autism. It is rare for a medical journal, especially one of The Lancet's prestige, to retract an article. The article by Katie Drummon,"1998 Study Linking Autism to MMR Vaccine Is Retracted", states that The Lancet retracted the study: after an independent [...]

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And this is exactly why children need to be vaccinated.

By |2016-10-05T06:46:13-04:00August 21st, 2008|Categories: Autism, Medication|Tags: , , , , |

Measles cases in the U.S. are at the highest level in more than a decade, with nearly half those cases resulting from parents who rejected vaccinations.  Wall Street Journal story The U.S. typically sees only one outbreak of measles every year, affecting 10 to 20 people. In the past seven months, there have been seven outbreaks. [...]

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Autism and Vaccines

By |2016-10-05T06:46:15-04:00August 8th, 2006|Categories: Autism, Medication|Tags: , , , |

I am asked often if there is a link between autism and vaccines. Autism symptoms usually start to be more prominent around 12 to 18 months, around the same age when some vaccines are administered for the first time. (Here's a vaccination schedule from the American Academy of Pediatrics: Here's an interesting website regarding studies [...]

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