John Preston, Psy.D. is a board certified neuropsychologist, and ABPP in counseling psychology. He is the author or co-author of twenty-one books on various topics including psychopharmacology, psychological assessment, neurobiology and psychotherapy. His books have been translated into 14 foreign languages. He has been in clinical practice for 35 years and a workshop presenter for the past 25 years. He has lectured in many locations throughout the North America, as well as in Africa, Europe and Russia.
Dr. Preston’s strength as a presenter is his ability to present complex material in a clear, understandable and lively fashion. His presentations are filled with numerous clinical vignettes, interesting videos, and a focus that is always practical and applied. And, he has a sense of humor.
His “Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists” was the year’s number one best seller with the Behavioral Science Book Club. His self-help book, “You Can Beat Depression”, has been endorsed by the National Mental Health Association for use in their nation wide campaign to combat clinical depression.
Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists
Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists has become the go-to resource for mental health clinicians looking for clear, reliable information about the treatment of mental health issues. Organized by disorder and, within each disorder, by medication, this book is designed to familiarize ...
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